The St. John Fisher students have started the school year in a generous spirit of service to others. The eighth grade spear-headed a “Tools for School” drive. Students in grades TK-8 were invited to donate extra school supplies for needy children in our local deanery.

We appreciate the many donations that were given by our SJF students and collected by the eighth graders. Another loving act of generosity came in monetary support for those in Haiti who were affected by the devastating earthquake on August 14th and the tropical storm, Grace, which brought more destruction to the island the following week. St. John Fisher School donated a check to the Los Angeles Missionary Childhood Association in care of Haiti for $1,235.00. One hundred percent of the proceeds will be sent directly to Haiti to help with the efforts of rebuilding and offering aid.

We are so proud of our St. John Fisher students and their willingness to serve others.

Anne-Marie Hudani
St. John Fisher School Principal

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