All the grades at SJF have returned to campus ready to serve and to be the light for others. Our eighth graders hosted the first school Mass of 2021 on March 30th, celebrated by Msgr. Sork. The Mass reflected our Catholic Schools Week’s theme of “Be the Light.” We heard that “the servant of the Lord will be made a light to the nations.” Just as Jesus is the light of the world, we are also called to be a faithful light for others. As a school, we are reminded to take our example from Jesus and be the light for others each day.

Speaking of being a light to others, many students did wonderful acts of service during the Lenten Season. St. John Fisher School, led by the fourth grade, collected socks and toiletries to be given to a homeless shelter in Long Beach. Students also shared their artistic talents making Easter cards for the residents at care facilities. Many students did extra chores at home to help their parents. One student purchased and sent baseball gear to the Dominican Republic. Two eighth graders even volunteered their time and talents building houses for those in need. Third graders made crucifixes with the names of people they were praying for. We are thrilled to be back together where we continue to focus on serving others with our time, talent, and treasure.

We now look forward to sharing the Eucharist with the second-grade class and their families, as they prepare for their First Holy Communion. Ms. Bergan and Mrs. Johnson have done a wonderful job getting the children ready to receive this sacrament. We are proud of all the time and effort that everyone has given to make this a special day for our second graders!

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