SJF Returns to Campus

All the grades at SJF have returned to campus ready to serve and to be the light for others. Our eighth graders hosted the first school Mass of 2021 on March 30th, celebrated by Msgr. Sork. The Mass reflected our Catholic Schools Week’s theme of “Be the Light.” We...

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Welcome Back Students

The past year has been a challenge for all of us. It is a joy walking along the hallways and hearing laughter coming from the classrooms. Students are overjoyed to have the opportunity to see and play with their classmates and interact with their teachers! St. John...

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Welcome to SJF – Oakley Rose

Oakley Rose is St. John Fisher School's new auction puppy.  Oakley is a pure bred, American Kennel Club Registered Yellow Labrador Retriever. She was born on October 31, 20019 and arrived at SJF on January 6th. Oakley is learning basic commands like "Sit," "Stay,"...

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Masada Fortress

As part of the Sixth Grade Social Studies Curriculum, students are studying the Ancient Israelites. During the past few weeks, students have analyzed the environment, the history of the Israelites, and their interactions with neighboring societies. This past week,...

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Technology at SJF

St. John Fisher School is fortunate to have a dedicated computer lab housing Apple iMac desktop computers.  All classes from TK to 8th grade have computer class twice a week. Young students in TK and Kindergarten learn how to use a desktop computer and mouse, and to...

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Catholic School Week

Catholic Schools Week is a national event held annually to celebrate the benefits of a Catholic education.  This week, St. John Fisher School joined Catholic schools all over the country to express their love for God, their country, and their families. Catholic...

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